Our mission is to mobilize believers on the mission field and to provide aftercare support for organizations actively fighting sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Our Mission
DEFINING MOMENTS - This Mission believes that youth and young adults lives can and will be changed while on mission trips. We see that mission trips have become defining moments in their walk with Jesus. To date we have sent dozens of youth and young adults to over 15 countries, serving ministries on the ground.
SERVING MINISTRIES ON THE GROUND - This Mission believes that we can have a larger impact by serving ministries that are already on the ground in countries. We understand that ministries that have been in areas for 10+ years know what the area needs more than us!
FIGHTING SEX TRAFFICKING - This Mission has been called to fight sex trafficking. We are actively working with multiple organizations
around the world that rescue and provide aftercare support for survivors of sex trafficking.
GRACE HOUSE - Our first major project is called the Grace House. We purchased a house in San Jose Costa Rica which will house girls that have been rescued from sex trafficking and have graduated from a safe house for minors. In Costa Rica, once a Survivor turns 18, they can no longer live in a government funded safe house. Our Grace House is 100% privately funded, specifically for girls 18 and older, and will serve as a home where girls can mature into women. We have partnered with ministries in Costa Rica to make this happen and ensure sustainability in the long run. We also have jobs for these amazing girls that will restore dignity to them. We have hired a full time psychologist to live in The Grace House with the girls. We believe with this mentorship program, these girls will be ready to step into their destiny and calling as young women.